Headache, tiredness and general weakness. Healthy, properly functioning kidneys convert vitamin D in our bodies to keep our bones strong and produce a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO). This hormone plays an important role in the production of red blood cells.
When the kidneys do not function properly, they produce less EPO. The decrease in red blood cells (those that carry oxygen) causes rapid fatigue of the muscles and brain.
Warning: Anemia is common in people with chronic kidney disease. Anemia can begin to develop when someone has 20% to 50% of normal kidney function. If you are getting enough rest and sleep but still experience feelings of fatigue, low energy levels, and general weakness, you should visit your doctor without delay.
You have dry, itchy skin. Healthy kidneys do an amazing job removing waste and excess fluid from your blood, helping to produce red blood cells, and maintaining the proper amount of minerals in your body. Dry, itchy skin indicates that your kidneys are unable to maintain the proper balance of minerals and nutrients, which can lead to bone and kidney disease.
Warning: If you have dry, itchy skin, try to stay extra hydrated. Remember, before taking any anti-itch medication, consult your doctor. Some medications contain ingredients that have the potential to further damage kidney function.
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