Having problems with bad breath and metallic taste. When waste builds up in your blood, it changes the way your food tastes and leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. Having bad breath is another sign of having too many toxins and pollution in your blood. Additionally, you may stop craving meat and lose your appetite in general, which can lead to unhealthy weight loss.

Warning: There are a number of reasons why foods may have a metallic taste (from allergies to poor oral health). Typically, the metallic taste in your mouth should go away if the suspected cause has been treated. If the taste continues to occur, you should contact your doctor.

Shortness of breath. The relationship between kidney disease and shortness of breath, especially after light exertion, is due to two factors. First, excess fluid from the body passes into the lungs when the kidneys are not functioning properly. Second, anemia deprives the body of oxygen, which causes shortness of breath.

Warning: There are a number of reasons for shortness of breath, from kidney failure to asthma and lung cancer to heart failure. If you notice that you are constantly out of breath after even a little effort, you should contact your doctor immediately.

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