Turn on your headlights for 10 seconds before driving to save money

To avoid a dead battery,  adopt these good habits  :

  • Park under cover  : If possible, park your car in a garage or under cover. If not, park it near a wall or hedge to  reduce exposure to the icy wind .
  • Turn off all equipment before switching off the ignition  : Radio, heating, windshield wipers, etc. These devices consume current when starting. By deactivating them when stopping,  you preserve your battery .
  • Use a winter cover  : A simple cover can  limit the impact of the cold  on your engine and battery.
  • Check the condition of your battery  : If it starts to age, consider replacing  it before winter  to avoid unpleasant surprises.

A simple solution for more peaceful mornings

With this tip, no more stress when starting. A simple action – turning on the headlights for a few seconds – is enough to wake up your battery and avoid unexpected breakdowns. Try it tomorrow morning and say goodbye to difficult starts!

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