This Trick Will Leave Your Toilets Looking Brand New

1. Remove the Toilet Seat

Carefully unscrew the nuts beneath the toilet seat and remove it. This ensures you can clean every nook and cranny.

2. Prepare the Mixture

In a bowl, combine baking soda, all-purpose cleaner, 40-volume hydrogen peroxide, and toothpaste.

Mix thoroughly until you achieve a smooth, homogeneous paste.

3. Remove Water from the Toilet Bowl

Using latex gloves and a disposable cup, scoop out as much water as possible from the toilet bowl. Pour the water down the bathroom drain.

4. Apply the Mixture

Spread the prepared mixture onto the abrasive side of a multi-purpose sponge.

5. Scrub Thoroughly

Use the sponge to scrub the entire toilet, both inside and outside. Pay special attention to stained areas, ensuring every surface is covered.

6. Rinse and Reassemble

Rinse the toilet thoroughly with clean water. Once the cleaning is complete, reattach the toilet seat securely.

Why This Works


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