This could be the reason why you wake up between 3am and 5am

Waking up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason is a frustrating experience. Many people find that they open their eyes at the same times every day, often between 3 and 5 a.m. A coincidence? Not really. This phenomenon, sometimes called “the hour of the wolf,” has both physiological and cultural explanations.

So why is your sleep disrupted at this particular time? Is it related to your body clock or other factors? Let’s explore the possible reasons together.

Why is your sleep disturbed at this particular moment?

  1. The Hour of the Wolf: Between Science and Folklore

In some Nordic cultures, this time slot is nicknamed “the hour of the wolf,” a phrase popularized by Swedish director Ingmar Bergman in his film of the same name. According to these beliefs, it is a time when anxieties are greatest, nightmares are common, and births and deaths are more numerous.

In other traditions, it is also called “the witching hour,” a time when supernatural forces are said to be particularly active. But science offers a more rational explanation for these nocturnal awakenings.


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