So useful! Gonna watch out for these
Sign 3: Red or Discolored Skin
The skin over the affected area may become red or develop a bluish or purplish tinge. This discoloration occurs because the clot obstructs normal blood flow, leading to changes in skin color. Accompanying the discoloration, the skin might also feel warm to the touch.
Sign 4: Warmth in the Affected Area
The presence of warmth over the site of the clot is another common sign. This warmth results from the inflammation caused by the clot blocking the vein. The area may also feel more sensitive than usual.
Sign 5: Sudden Shortness of Breath
If a blood clot travels to the lungs, it can cause a pulmonary embolism, which may lead to sudden shortness of breath. This symptom is serious and requires immediate medical attention. It may be accompanied by a feeling of being light-headed or faint.
Sign 6: Chest Pain or Discomfort
Chest pain or discomfort, which can feel like a sharp, stabbing pain that worsens with deep breaths or coughing, may indicate a clot in the lungs. This condition, known as a pulmonary embolism, is life-threatening and demands prompt medical intervention.
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