Place it in your home for 1 hour and you will never see flies, mosquitoes or cockroaches again.

Mix 1/2 cup shampoo, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, and 1/2 cup white vinegar in a bowl or container.
Stir well to mix all ingredients well.
Transfer the solution to a clean spray bottle.

Spray this spray in areas where insects are common, such as near doors, windows, and kitchen corners.
This spray is effective because the shampoo helps the mixture adhere to surfaces, the vegetable oil creates a barrier that insects don’t like to cross, and the vinegar acts as a natural repellent.

More tips to avoid bugs
While these methods are effective in repelling the insects, it is also necessary to take preventative measures to prevent them from coming back.

Keep spaces clean: Make sure your home, especially the kitchen, is clean and free of food debris. Flies and cockroaches are attracted to food and standing water, so clean surfaces immediately and don’t leave food lying around.
Avoid standing water: Mosquitoes breed in standing water, so remove any water buildup

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