When Marcus sees his newborn for the first time, his world falls apart. Convinced that his wife Elena has cheated on him, he is ready to leave. But before he can, she reveals a secret that makes him question everything. Will love be enough to keep their couple together?
I was overjoyed the day my wife told me we were going to be fathers. We had been trying for a while and couldn’t wait to welcome our first child. But one day, while we were discussing the birth plan, Elena dropped a bombshell.

A pregnant woman on a sofa | Source: Halfway through the journey
“I don’t want you in the delivery room,” she said in a soft but firm voice.
I felt like I was being punched in the stomach. “What? Why?”
Elena didn’t want to cross my respect. “It’s just that… I need to do this part by myself. Please understand.”
I didn’t understand, not really. But I loved Elena more than anything, and I trusted her. If that was what she needed, I would respect it. However, a small grain of malestar was planted in my guts this day.

A man who comes from the sources | Source: Halfway through the journey
As Elena’s due date approached, that seed grew. The night before the child’s descent, I grew restless, unable to quell the feeling that he had chosen the important place at the change point.
The next morning we went to the hospital. I kissed Elena at the entrance to the maternity ward, and I respected the doctors taking her away in a wheelchair.
Hours passed. I paced the waiting room, drank too much bad coffee, and checked my phone every two minutes. Finally, a doctor appeared. One look at his face and my heart sank. Something was wrong.

A doctor | Source: Pexels
“Mr. Johnson?” said a deep voice. “Please follow me.”
I followed the doctor down the hall, a thousand horrible scenarios racing through my mind. Was Elena okay? The baby? We’re going to the kids’ room and the doctor at the door. I rushed inside, desperate to see Elena.
She was there, exhausted but alive. Relief washed over me for a fraction of a second before I noticed the baby in her arms.

A woman tenant son new | Source: Halfway through the trip
The baby, our baby, had skin as pale as snow, streaks of blond hair, and when he opened his eyes, they were a startling blue.
“Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça ?”, me suis-je entendu dire, ma voix semblant étrange et lointaine.
Elena a levé les yeux vers moi, ses yeux remplis d’un mélange d’amour et de peur. “Marcus, je peux t’expliquer…”

Une femme émotive | Source : Midjourney
Mais je n’écoutais pas. Une brume rouge de colère et de trahison s’est abattue sur moi. “Expliquer quoi ? Que tu m’as trompée ? Que ce n’est pas mon enfant ?”
“Non ! Marcus, s’il te plaît…”
Je l’ai interrompue, ma voix s’est élevée. “Ne me mens pas, Elena ! Je ne suis pas un idiot. Ce n’est pas notre bébé !”
la suite en page suivante