10 Warning Signs that Cancer is Growing in Your Body
If your digestive process is disrupted, you have trouble swallowing, or you suffer from indigestion or experience a loss of appetite, these issues should be checked out by a doctor, as they will affect the body’s ability to get nutrients from the food that you eat.
6. Changes in Bowel Movements
Anything that appears out of the ordinary regarding bowel movements and lasts more than two days could be cause for concern. Finding blood in your stools could be a sign of colon cancer, and it should be evaluated by a medical professional.
7. Changes in Urination
Bladder function should be fairly regular when you are healthy. Changes in the strength of urine flow, color, smell, presence of foam or blood should be checked out immediately.
8. Bleeding
Bleeding that is unexplained should always be checked. Blood from the uterus, nipple or in any bodily excretions can be a major sign of a problem.
9. Changes in Voice
Cancer of the larynx can cause the pitch and tone of your voice to change. If you notice your voice changing or someone else mentions it, make an appointment with a health care professional.
10. Constant Coughing
Cancer of the lungs, esophagus, throat and even stomach can cause constant coughing. If you’ve had a persistent cough that is painful, or you find yourself coughing up blood, check in with a doctor. Coughing that lasts longer than 1-2 weeks may be much more than a cold.